Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Making Universal Image of Windows XP

Tools Needed For integrating driverpacks and Syspreping Windows XP  :
Download them all. You are going to need it. Disable your antivirus during the whole process.
1)      sysprep sp3
2)      DriverPacks Base
3)      DriverPacks
(Don’t download third party driverpacks. They may cause Problems)

Download only DriverPacks from ‘Windows 2000/XP/2003 (x86) DriverPacks’ section only. You will need a torrent client to download driver packs. Download it from here.

Now, we will start.

Follow below steps :

1)      Clean install windows XP on some system. Install your software and do the customizations.

2)      Extract DriverPacks Base into some folder and put all downloaded driverpacks in ‘DPBase\driverpacks’ folder.

3)      Run DriverPacks Base (DPBase.exe) and choose ‘Stand Alone Drivers’ as installation platform.



4)      Click ‘>’ (next) button and choose only CPU Driver Pack



5)      Click next and choose method 1.



6)      Now click slipstream.

7)      Move the contents of thus created folder 'DriverPacks.net' to the root of system drive of your computer.

8)      Then unpack all remaining driver packs to the root of disc C drive. They all will create a ‘D’ named folder in C drive and extracted in that.

9)      Extract DevPath.exe from ‘DPBase\bin\wnt5_x86-32\M2.7z’ zipped file and copy it into C Drive and in run box of start menu type ‘cmd’ and press enter. A command prompt will be opened and run below commands one by one in command prompt.



DevPath.exe c:\D


 10)   Now in root of the system drive right click on dp_Inst_tool.cmd file and click edit and remove the line 'Echo DPsRootDel  = "false"            >> %DPFL%'.

11)   Now Delete DPBase,  DevPath.exe folders and files because we don’t need them anymore.

12)   Create a folder named ‘sysprep’ in the root of the C drive and extract the contents of the zipped file ‘sysprep sp3.rar’ you downloaded into it.

13)   Create sysprep.inf file with setupmgr.exe (Located in c:\sysprep folder) .

14)   Right click on the sysprep.inf file and click edit. To the [Unattended] section add the two lines as below.



(Shown in Below Image)

15)   Add a new section [GuiRunOnce] to sysprep.inf file.

16)   Add a line ‘Command0=C:\DP_Install_Tool.cmd’ under the [GuiRunOnce] section.

17)   Add a new section [SysprepMassStorage] to sysprep.inf file and save it.

18)   Again Goto Start>Run, type ‘cmd’ and press enter.

19)   In the opened command prompt type below commands.


cd c:\sysprep

sysprep.exe –bmsd

(as shown in below image)

 This will take some time and add many lines to sysprep.inf file, so don’t panic.

20)   Now, launch sysprep.exe from c:\sysprep folder and check 'Use Mini-Setup' and 'Detect non-plug and play hardware' and hit 'Reseal'.


21)   You system will shutdown. Now you have syspreped installation of Windows XP into the C drive of the system. Make an image using any drive image making softwares like Ghost or Actonis True Image or what ever you are comfortable with. Save it somewhere. You can use that image to install windows xp on any system using bootable cd/dvd of your drive image making software.


  1. Hi. In Windows XP you are in point 10 you are editing dp_Inst_tool.cmd which is in DriverPacks.net folder and in point 11 you are deleting the whole folder. What is the editation for? There are missing steps?

    1. Thanks Pavol for drawing my attention towards my mistake. I will make it correct right away.

    2. Thanks Tarak. But in when I'm going step by step now I have found where the file should be located and what is this for. Nothing is wrong :) Thank you for this tutorial!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tarak, it works!!! Thanks mate so much for help! :)))

  4. Nice work sirji. Also If you use ImageX tool for creating the image you can compress it to a single DVD.
    Network installation can also be done using Win PE.. and tftp32 .. Enjoy...
